Sunday, 26 September 2010

Letting go

I hold you in my hands
Like a dove longing to fly
But your wings held close to your side

I realise I can't hold on - love should let go
But how scared I am that you'll fly away
Gently, slowly, I open my hands
Releasing your wings
But you don't go

You nestle into my hands secure, knowing
that if you had to - you'd fly
In letting you go I'm pulling you closer
The freedom making it more real
Delicate, held together by strands of love
Not by the harsh fetters of insecurity

I see your eyes looking into mine
Trusting, loving
Like the sea on a calm day
Like the sky in spring
A twinkle of something to be seen
And yet not touched
A fleeting dream proved only by my memory

Your eyes search my face gently enquiring
The lightest touch of my hand in answer
To feel your arms around me again
Not to hold on but to share
A moment caught between us in the embracing of our hearts

In my quietest moments you are there
Real only to my mind - my senses numb
But when we are together
Then , my senses, wake!
Trap every moment , every smile, every silent word



The fervent hope of mans most inner reaching desire
That devours the desperation of a life led in hopelessness
Optimism brims forth through the dark drapery of despair
Creating that soul searching glow as a fight against the anxieties of reality
The visible succour that all see:
Optimism for a being lost in the profundity of wretchedness
A lifeline to ecstasy - a confine
Secure from the period when all you have is nothingness
Until, at last, that hope is realised and hoeplessness departs
Leaving a moment, a time for solitude
For the gratification of an experience
the consequence of the sanguine expectation:
September 1981

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

We'll always have tea

Clear blue eyes fixed on pink unmoving lips
A heavy silence suspended in the air between
Punctuated by the gentle clink of metal on china

One mouth moves. Two eyes avert
Lips slowly parted by a tumbling torrent
Tripping over and over in unseemly haste
Fear expressed in silence and in words
Hope acknowledged, deferred, suppressed, grasped
Half thoughts. Half mooted
Half suggestions. Half swallowed

A step away, toward, together, apart
A silent dance moved by a mutual beat

A spark that ignited in an instant
An unbidden collision of time and words, hearts and souls
Smiles shared. Hearts touched
Dreams given wings to rise and fly

The flame burns, wavers, dips
Rises to shine with incandescent light
Then finally yields to the breath from the lips
That exhale with the words
Enough now