Monday, 6 March 2017

It Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary

It makes the ordinary extraordinary
It lifts the lowest to unimaginable heights
It quickens the beat of the tired heart
And energizes the weary soul
It makes colour dance in the minds of those whose eyes don’t see
And resonates through the fibres of those whose ears don’t hear
It acknowledges neither age nor status
And judges not past or future
It knows neither creed nor colour
Seeing only the infinite range of humankind

It is the universal voice of a million broken instruments
The common language of those who life has touched 
It is the pain of disappointment
And the endless ache of unrequited love
It is the gaping chasm of loss
And the terrible beauty found in silence
It is the urgent voice of a passionate protest
And the desperate plea of a heartfelt prayer
It is the howl that escapes our souls
When there are no words to speak our pain

It is a warm embrace for the lost and lonely
An understanding friend to those who feel alone
It is the united voice of a crowd once strangers
A tribal song for those who share no common land
It is a hand that leads us in a merry jig
When our feet have forgotten how to dance
It is the notes that form unbidden on our lips
When our hearts cannot seem to find the tune
It is the glow that filters into the darkest place
Filling every corner with the purest light

It is the still small voice and the crashing wave
The dancing rainbow and the thunderclap
It is a quiet stroll and a whirling dance
A rushing waterfall and a gentle stream
It is the beauty of a fresh new dawn
And the golden glow of the setting sun
It is the unforgettable cry of the newborn child
And the gentle brush of a lovers kiss
It transcends barriers and makes the pauper King
Breaking the hardest heart and making the haughty weep

It is life itself.
Our breathing out and our breathing in.
It is music.
It makes the ordinary extraordinary.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

It's Good for the Soul

Alarm ringing. Coffee brewing.
Bath running. Excitement growing.
Bottle filling. Bag packing.
Phone charging. T-shirt checking.
Engine running. CD playing.
Voice warming. Final cramming.
Car parking. Warm greetings.
Coach arriving. Endless chatting. 
Wheels rolling. Spirits flowing.

Coffee queuing. Nervous snacking.
Lines forming. Places finding.
Numbers growing. Hall filling.
Heat rising. Senses buzzing.
Helpers guiding. Leaders smiling.
Sound checking. Voices blending.
Time flying. Nerves tingling.

Break taking. T-shirt changing.
Hair brushing. Glitter spraying.
Stair climbing. Place taking.
Hall filling. Lights shining.
Tension building. Heart beating.
Face smiling. Pulse racing.
Calm breathing. Leaders stunning.

Beats sounding. Voices joining.
Volume rising. Moves starting.
Guests grinning. Hands clapping.
Singers relaxing. Watchers beaming.
Tempo rising. Voices blending.
Sounds amazing. Smiles growing.
Hearts uplifting. Faces shining.
Fingers clicking. Hands clapping.
Feet stamping. Bodies swaying.
Leaders performing. Choir laughing.
Flags waving. Pride bursting.
Speakers sharing. Listeners caring.
Candles glowing. Emotions flowing.
Solos stunning. Cameras flashing.

Last song singing. Cheers growing.
Frantic clapping. Encore shouting.
Choir starting. Caroline leading.
Leaders missing. Enter sliding.
Moment ending. Hall emptying.
Choir buzzing, chatting, grinning.

Families beaming. Friends hugging.
Bags finding. Coach departing.
Finally wilting. Voices dropping.
Coach stopping. Cars leaving.
Home returning. Eyes still shining.

Dreams completing.
Memories making.
Souls uplifting.
We were Rocking!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Reason to Smile

What made you smile today?
A joke you heard?
A ray of sun?
A hug from a friend?
Or the unexpected help of a stranger?

Did you get something you'd fixed your heart on?
Did you achieve your goal?
Get some good news?
Or overcome a hurdle?

As you cast your thoughts back through your day
Sifting through the things that bubble to the surface
Testing the popping memories to check if
They were the ones that made you smile

Just take a pause to ask yourself,
If you dare,
Will anyone else be feeling a warm smile play across their lips
As they name you as the reason for their smile?

The Box

It came out of the blue
Unexpected, unrequested

A welcome intrusion
An exciting arrival

It had my name on it - mine!

So I peeled away the layers
that hid its secrets.

And what secrets there were

Chocolate secrets, sweet secrets
Tempting treats all trying to distract
From the main event
The true treasure that lay within

The special gifts
So generously bestowed
And the beautiful card
So carefully chosen
So specifically selected
So poignantly personal
That touched my heart with its truth and beauty

And it was then, as my eyes,
eyes filled with tears,
fixed upon the empty box
That I saw inside, glowing brightly,
the true treasure that had been sent

Emptied of its trinkets
It yielded its real secret
It was a box filled with love

Some parcels are more precious than others
March 2013


A simple word, easily spoken
Three letters, one syllable

A hard job, a lifetime's work
The truest labour of love.
No salary. No fixed hours.

Shining hair and warm brown eyes.
Soft voice and smile that lights a room
My Mum.

Bottomless heart and wise mind
Hands to hold and arms to embrace.
Unconditional and never ending love.

Always there, always constant
Standing strong in all life's storms.

A refuge, a rock, a tower and fortress.
Guiding, teaching, supprting and loving.
Nudging us along life's path.

For as long as I've breathed I've known
the most amazing love.
Beacuase, for as long as I've breathed,
I've known you
My amazing mum.

for my Mum
1st May 2013

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Without You

Windswept blowing, raindrops falling
Tracing rivers down the pane
Whispers in the trees are calling
When will you be here again?

Evening closing, darkness deepens
Watching nightfall, warm inside
Echoes of our laughter beckon
When will you be by my side?

Memories tumble, thoughts cascading
As the leaves fall from the trees
Each one full of golden colour
You were once close here with me

Sunlight stretches, warmly rising
Gently reaching through the rain
Warm caresses, reassuring
Time will bring you here again

London 88

A Moment of Light

It seemed an endless tunnel
The infinite blackness drawing in
The slightest point of shining light
All around was nothing
In front, behind, to left and right
The black engulfed me, held me fast

Flickering glimmers came from far
Increasing, shining, suddenly gone
Swallowed up in the intensity of darkness

Mt feet rested on empty space
Supported by the density of absence

I tried to move but to no avail
Arms flailing in the thickest sea
Mouth open wide to shout, to scream
The soundless echo was engulfed
As total absence re-echoed about

From infinity it came and stretched
At eternity it had its end
The whole of being was absorbed
Life drawn away in the lifeless void
Pulsating silence broke my senses
Mind reeling in the total blank

My hands reached out to claw at nothing
I drew them back with nothing in my grasp

Suddenly the pulse whizzed past
An instant of light in the deepest dark
A momentary lapse in the maintained gloom

I watched it go with an aching heart
The imprint of the shining start
Etched firmly in my longing mind

Before it came the black was all I knew
Now it had been the darkenss had been changed
The depths had deepened, the dark increased
Even the void was lacking substance

How I yearned for the spark to come again
To lift my spirits with its purest light
To fill my weary mind again
With the substance of its insustantial dream