Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Box

It came out of the blue
Unexpected, unrequested

A welcome intrusion
An exciting arrival

It had my name on it - mine!

So I peeled away the layers
that hid its secrets.

And what secrets there were

Chocolate secrets, sweet secrets
Tempting treats all trying to distract
From the main event
The true treasure that lay within

The special gifts
So generously bestowed
And the beautiful card
So carefully chosen
So specifically selected
So poignantly personal
That touched my heart with its truth and beauty

And it was then, as my eyes,
eyes filled with tears,
fixed upon the empty box
That I saw inside, glowing brightly,
the true treasure that had been sent

Emptied of its trinkets
It yielded its real secret
It was a box filled with love

Some parcels are more precious than others
March 2013

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